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[GCStories] The story behind Azin : One Name, Two Stories + Some Information About His Fighting Style

The new hero of Grand Chase is really giving the talk. After his mysterious arrival , numerous rumorsarose about him, some completely absurd. But gradually, things were unfolding.

The young Azin was not always known that way. Previously he was just an ordinary boy of Bermesiah. A human like Ronan, Elesis and Anne. But apparently he did not have an easy life. Everything indicates that he suffered abuse and mistreatment, growing alone and without friends.

Meanwhile, Jin grew up surrounded by friends and companions among the Silver Knights. His master, Azin Tairin, the 2nd in command of the Knights, was pretty proud of the young fighter, and predicted that Jin would grow to become the strongest member of the organization. The group's leader, Victor, had high hopes for the future of Jin ... to be corrupted by the evil power of Thanatos, under the influence of Astaroth.

Victor betrayed his own comrades and helped the forces of darkness to bring the downfall of Silver Land. Leading his men into a trap, he caused the massacre of the Silver Knights, thus eliminating a powerful force for good that could oppose the plans of the self-proclaimed god ruler.

Victor, the traitor

Amid the chaos and the battles that followed, Azin Tairin horrified when he saw hordes of monsters approaching to attack the Knights who had been left behind, under his leadership. Realizing they were at a great disadvantage, Azin ordered Jin to flee. The brave boy did not want to leave his master, but his honor obliged him to obey. Jin fled, brave and Azin Tairin stayed behind to hold the invading hordes long enough to ensure that his best student survived.

When Jin finally got back, there was no sign of his master. No news of Victor, who had left with the other knights (and Jin never imagined that it is a traitor), the young man thought he was the sole survivor of the Silver Knights. He was wrong.

His master, Azin Tairin also survived. The difference is that he was seriously wounded. All around him had fallen in battle, all his companions perished. Just as Jin, Azin thought he was the only survivor of his order. But I knew I would not live long. Wandering, delirious and weakened due to injury, when realized, Tairin was lost in the middle of a forest. Without strength, he thought he would die there. Until there was an unknown kid, hair purple.

Azin Tarin is saved by ... Azin future

For some reason, felt sorry that the young man on the verge of death. Maybe it was the first time I have felt connected to another human being because he knew what he was suffering. When he realized the young man had already decided to save that person. And so Azin Tairin survived.

Grateful for having been saved by the boy, Tairin decided to train him in martial arts and philosophy of the Silver Knights. He quickly realized that the boy had great potential. Another genius born, like his "deceased" student Jin had been a day. Tairin began training the boy and always told him stories about his former pupil, the dedicated fire-haired young man who would become the greatest warriors of the Silver Knights had he lived.

The same master. Two pupils of diametrically opposed personalities?

For the first time, the boy was happy. For the first time he felt he had a family. His master was what he had to close a parent. He would do anything to impress you and make you proud. It would be as strong as the little boy with red hair, as that Azin Jin who was so proud. No. It would be even stronger.

The Blue Fox: cunning and planning are your strengths

Unfortunately, he did not have a chance to prove it to his mentor. Caught off-guard by monsters, Azin again intervened to save his new pupil. I did not want to die young as Jin. The young man did not want to flee. He would never abandon his mentor, it was so important. And to protect you, Tairin was again wounded. This time, the wound was mortal even ...

The boy was able to do anything to save the only person who cared. The person who taught him to be strong. Strong enough to crush all those who have led in the past. Someone would have to pay. All he had was his name. The only bond that could keep the boy with his master. Thus was born a new Azin!

For Azin, the philosophy of the Silver Knights did not matter. What mattered was power. Be the strongest. Prove to his mentor that he actually had been his best student of all time. But how, if his rival had died so long ago? How to compete with a ghost?

What was the surprise of Azin to find out about the existence of the group Chase. A group that had found the last of the Silver Knights. The group that Jin, the "Red Lion" was affiliated. Now he could meet the student who his master was so proud. Who knows, Jin could also teach you new moves? Or better yet, maybe he could prove once and for all Tairin that in fact he was the strongest, not Jin.

All I had to do was find it.
The Red Lion: the strength and fury are the key to its power

Big Credits To:

Translations XD
Character hybrid MP + APRevealing the talent tree up to level 80Attacks short and fast
Azin can use their special skills as a character AP (using shortcuts to skills) as well as characters from MP, holding the key Z. But remember, if you use the skills holding Z no cooldown.
You can also register their skills as characters from AP.
The talent tree is connected to level 80 and achieve the levels 20, 40, 60 and 80 players release secret books.
The secret books are made up of four stages, each of which gives a bonus attack, defense, vitality, and it is still possible to acquire special skills.
The character has short range quick attacks and create combos with ease.
Attacks quickly with skills that combine well with his normal moves.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for more updates 

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