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Snail's Blog Week 1 (May 3rd, 2012)

How excited are you guys?! I've seen some game play of him, and I'm impressed. Although I'm sticking with my Ley and Rin c:. So I've been thinking of joining the GCPH community soon! I'd have to use a bypass (Does Hotspot Sheild still work?) though. NAGC's community is dying so I thought why not. 

I was one of the first 100 Rins to get ranked for her in the month of April in NAGC!

Rank 76, barley made it. But it's a rank!

What I plan to do this week: Finish the new Database of course! The new one will be up soon, with more information for all the characters, better layout, and easy-to-find jobs and characters.

QOTW (Question of the Week, winners will be posted on next week's blog) : 
What is your favorite combat system(Ap/Mp/Hybirds...etc)?

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