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[THGC] Accessories Week

Hi everyone, UnorthodoX is back from the depths of the hottest hell.

I feel like I'm burning alive, but good thing is, my weight drops a lot.

Well, to the point, this week's updates are Coronation Accessories and Dragon Accessory Event

1. Dragon Accessory Event

Duration: May 3rd - May 10th

The dragon accessory is back! Buy the Legend Dragon Sealed Chest at the shop and choose your favorite colored dragon!

The accessory status: Level 10, Rare rank, random properties, can be equipped by all characters.

It can be upgraded to Lv.25 Epic rank and Lv.40 Legend rank by using Dragon's Heart, which can be found in dungeons, PVP, and shop.

(Purple tab - Item list Cream tab - Material needed)

The dragon's size will get bigger when it is upgraded into higher rank.

When players first log-in during the event, they will get 2 dragon chest for free.

2. Coronation Accessories Set

Duration: May 3rd - May 10th

Coronation Accessories has returned! Don't let this chance go or you will have to wait for another whole year!

There are four parts in this set: Circlet, Wing, Shield, and Crown (which fleets around your leg).


Require Lv.0

Legend Rank

Atk 300

Def 150

Vit 150

Lv.60 Properties

Can be equipped by all chars.

Quite awesome, right? BUT...

Great items come with great prices...

EACH of them costs 699 baht, around $22.75.

(I really hope for Dark Ellian set, but it never comes... what I want most is the ring...*)

That's all for this week, have fun... is what I want to say, but with only two weeks of holidays left...

I just really can't say that.

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