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[IDGC] Welcome Season Eternal

im back with good news for IDGC player's
now we got new Season of IDGC , Season Eternal, and of course new Characters, and etc @@

Here the Event
  • Property and Socket Event ( 4 Oct 2013 - 17 Oct 2013 )
  • GC avatar Creation ( 4 Oct 2013 - 17 Oct 2013 )
  • GC Eternal Gift ( 4 Oct 2013 - 17 Oct 2013 )
  • New avatar : Neo Savior & Neo Sentinel Avatar
  • Login Event ( 4 Oct 2013 - 17 Oct 2013 )
  • Racoon Tornado Mini Game ( 10 Oct 2013 - 24 Oct 2013 )
  • Idul Adha Even t( 10 Oct 2013 - 24 Oct 2013 )
  • New Character : Edel Frost
  • Super Gacha : Sirius , Flowbell , Annie&Momo , Dark Nightmare
  • Event Dungeon : Yokai Moonlight Village ( 24 Oct 2013 - 7 Nov 2013)
  • Reinforce Package Sale ( 24 Oct 2013 - 6 Nov 2013)

New Login Screen 

Property and Socket Event

Free Property Change and put card on armor with 0 GP and free relased card on armor

GC avatar Creation

Login And get this Item 


Eternal Badge

and Crete this item bellow
GC Eternal Avatar ( Need 5 Eternal badge each item , Not a Public Item )

GC Eternal Gift Event
Login  on 4 Oct 2013 - 17 Oct 2013 and get this item bellow every day's

New Avatar : Neo Savior avatar & Neo Sentinel Avatar 

now New Savior and Sentinel new Avatar is avaiable on Avatar Shop

Neo Savior Avatar
Neo Sentinel Avatar

Login Event 

Login and get Proof of Hero

Proof of Hero

then Create an item bellow

Ryan Mission Cash

Need 10  Proof of Hero

Ronan Mission Cash

Need 10 Proof of Hero

Raccoon Tornado Event


Buy Raccoon Coin on Shop with cash of course :v

Raccoon Tornado Coin
Raccoon Tornado Coin (10 Package)

and get a chance to get Oriental Avatar 

Oriental Avatar Set

Idul Adha Event 


Collect 10Meat at dungeon or pvp 

Meat Item
Meat Item

and create a SD Meat Head :v

SD Meat Head
                                        SD Meat Head!!

 New Character : Edel Frost

Now Edel is a Playable Charater in IDGC  \^O^/
and Edel Avatar Package is avaiable at Shop too
Captain Avatar Package
Edel Captain

Super Gacha: Sirius , Flowbell , Annie&Momo , Dark Nightmare

there's a new gacha Here,, 
the 18th Gacha, Dark Nightmare

Nightmare Armor Set and Accessories (Rin, Ronan)

Dark Nightmare

Event Dungeon : Yokai Moonlight Village


this event dungeon is back , time to looking for GP props scroll and create an epic ring :v

Reinforce Package sale event ( 24 Oct 2013 - 6 Nov 2013 )

on Reinforce Package sale event, there will avaiable Gold Reinforce box, and Special Extraction scroll, cash of course

open Gold Reinforce box, and get a random item bellow

+ 7 Reinforce Stone + 12 Reinforce Scroll
+ 8 Reinforce Stone + 13 Reinforce Scroll
+ 9 Reinforce Scroll Epic Reinforce Stone
+ 10 Reinforce Scroll Reinforce Protector 5+1 Package
+ 11 Reinforce Scroll Special Alchemy Scroll

okay, sorry about this, :v
im very very late 

See ya 


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