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[NAGC] Grand Chase Event: Mari, Kounat's Lone Survivor

Mari, Kounat's Lone Survivor
11/19 ~ 12/3

Mari is looking to tune up her Soul Taker and you can help her out.

Starting November 19th, all players will receive a mission upon logging in for the first time.  They will be asked to collect Ultimate Weapon Essences in exchange for blueprints to Mari's ultimate weapon.  Once players complete both missions and have collected both blueprints they will be able to forge the Sealed Box of the Ultimate Weapon for Mari.

Sealed Box of the Legendary Ultimate Weapon

Cracking open the box will reveal a randomly propped, level 60, Epic grade weapon for Mari.

Character Acquisition

Non-Mari players will also be able to acquire the character as well.  On their first log in players will receive a [Cash] Mari Mission and a [Cash] Gunslinger Mission.  Players will also be able to acquire Mari's other missions over the course of the next two weeks by logging in each day and checking the day in the Let's Play, with Mari Minigame.

Prizes are as follows:
- Day 1: Ring of Beefiness (7 days)
- Day 2: Grand Chase Necklace (7 days)
- Day 3: [Cash] Polaris Mission
- Day 4: Lv39 Cash Equipment Box - Mari*
- Day 5: Lv42 Cash Accessory Box - Mari*
- Day 6: Champion Mode Tickets x 5
- Day 7: Ring of Beefiness [7 days]
- Day 8: [Cash] Geas Mission
- Day 9: Refinery Protection Scroll
- Day 10: Grade 10 Refinery Scroll
- Day 11: Extreme Skill Key
- Day 12: Hero's Bullion x 5
- Day 13: 1000 VP
- Day 14: Grade 12 Refinery Scroll

*Boxes will be removed after the two weeks.

Those of you who already have both Mari and all of her jobs unlocked will be able to use them to forge Hero's Bullions.

- The [Cash] Mari Mission can be forged into 5 Hero's Bullions
- The [Cash] Gunslinger Mission can be forged into 2 Hero's Bullions
- The [Cash] Polaris Mission can be forged into 2 Hero's Bullions
- The [Cash] Geas Mission can be forged into 3 Hero's Bullion

During this period, Mari's will receive a 10% boost to their Attack, Defense and Vitality stats.  As well as a 20% discount on armor and weapons in the shop.

Special Sales

During this time Mari will also have several special items in the shop.
1. Mari Mini Dolls will be available in the shop for 1000 Cash

Mari Mini Doll

2. Mari's Special Coordi set, the Black Witch Set will be available with and without the weapon for 14000 and 8500 Cash respectively.*

Black Witch Coordi Set

Please note that the Black Witch Set is a set item and as such it cannot be worn as individual pieces.

Equipping the Black Witch Coordi Set will change the effects on her Geas Job Skills.

3. And finally the shop will be featuring the Black Gunslinger, Black Polaris, and Black Geas Coordi Sets for 6500 Cash each.

Black Gunslinger

Black Polaris

Black Geas

Thanksgiving with Grand Chase
11/19 ~ 12/3

Thanksgiving is almost here, and to celebrate we have Thanksgiving Dinner Packages available in the shop for 1000 Cash.

Each Dinner Package conatins 3 of the following:
- A Turkey Dinner, which doubles attack power for a period of time.
- A Sparkling Cider, which restores 100% MP on use
- A Slice of Pumpkin Pie, which makes you invincible for a period of time.

Turkey Dinner

Sparkling Cider

Pumpkin Pie

Additionally, players will receive 1 of each of the above items on their first log in.

Super Gacha Extravaganza
11/19 ~ 12/3

Starting November 19th until December 3rd, the Seal Breaker Gacha will be featuring four different Seal Breaker gacha sets.  During this time you'll be able to select from the Sirius / Dog Star Set, the Sleuthhound / Super Sleuth Set, the Annie & Momo / Marionette set, or the Clara / Nutcracker Set.



Annie & Momo


How to select:
When you select the Seal Breaker Gacha button from the Menu you will be presented with a screen showing the four different sets available as well as your currently selected character equipped in the currently selected set.

Select whichever pet / set you wish to play for and then you will be brought to the standard Seal Breaker Gacha screen.  Once your there select the level of the set and get ready to play.

Please note: Annie and Momo have a higher chance to be acquired since they must be bound to a character.

EDIT: Please note: currently there is a bug where upon completing 2 sets in the same level range you will initially be unable to retrieve the Weapon and Pet package from the second set.  If you re-log into the game then you will be able to acquire the second weapon and pet package.

During this period you will also be able to purchase Sealed Gems for each character in the shop for 1000 GP.

VIP Rewards
11/19 ~ 12/3

Over the course of the next two weeks, players may be eligible to receive a bonus reward as thanks for supporting Grand Chase.

If you spend:
- 10,000 - 19,000 Cash: you will receive one Grade 10 Refinery Scroll
- 20,000 - 29,000 Cash: you will receive one Grade 11 Refinery Scroll, and one Reinforcement Protection Scroll
- 30,000 - 49,000 Cash: you will receive one Grade 12 Refinery Scroll, three Reinforcement Protection Scrolls and one Special Reinforcement Release Scroll
- 50,000 - 69,000 Cash: you will receive one Grade 13 Refinery Scroll, five Reinforcement Protection Scrolls and three Special Reinforcement Release Scrolls
- 70,000 Cash and up:  you will receive one Grade 14 Refinery Scroll, 10 Reinforcement Protection Scrolls, five Special Reinforcement release Scrolls, and a VIP Pet Box.

VIP Pet Box

Opening the VIP Pet Box will allow you to select one of the following pets.


Dark Disciple



Moon Child

Little Elesis



Killian Knyte

Moonlight Costumes
11/19 ~ 12/3

Starting November 19th, the Coordi shop will be featuring the Moonlight Village and Moon Child Coordi sets.  These sets will be available in 7 day and permanent options.

Additionally, for the next two weeks, all item's in the Coordi Shop will have an option for a permanent purchase made available.

If you have had your eyes on an outfit (or part of an outfit) for a while now, then now would be your best opportunity to buy.

Black Friday Special Boxes
11/27 ~ 12/1

Gold and Ultimate Boxes for Sale
During the event period players will be able to purchase the following boxes:
- Black Friday 2012 Gold Box, for 3000 Cash
- Black Friday 2013 Gold Box, for 3000 Cash
- Black Friday 2012 Ultimate Box, for 10000 Cash
- Black Friday 2013 Ultimate Box, for 10000 Cash
The contents of these boxes are as follows:

Please note: you will only receive one of the following items:

Black Friday 2012 Gold Box
Blitzchen Coordi Set Box (Permanent)
Blitzchen Coordi Set Box (Timed)
Pet Blitz King Card
Pet Lezlie Card
Grade 12 Refinery Scroll
Grade 13 Refinery Scroll
Grade 14 Refinery Scroll

Blitz King


Black Friday 2013 Gold Box
Princeon Outfit Box (Timed)
Princeon Accessory Box (Timed) 
Pet Princeon Card
Grade 15 Refinery Scroll 
Grade 16 Refinery Scroll
Grade 17 Refinery Scroll

Princeon Outfit Box

Princeon Accessory Box


Black Friday 2012 Ultimate Box
Blitzchen Coordi Set Box (Permanent)
Pet Blitz King Card
Pet Shadow Blitz King Card
Pet Lezlie Card
Grade 12 Refinery Scroll
Grade 13 Refinery Scroll
Grade 14 Refinery Scroll

Shadow Blitz King

Black Friday 2013 Ultimate Box
Princeon Outfit Box (Permanent)
Princeon Accessory Box (Permanent) 
Pet Princeon Card
Grade 15 Refinery Scroll 
Grade 16 Refinery Scroll
Grade 17 Refinery Scroll 

The Princeon Pet will also have his skills available in the Pet shop
- Frost Breath (100 Times) will be available for 15000 GP
- Frost Breath (500 Times) will be available for 800 Cash

Sagittarius Anklet, and Zodiac Items for Sale
11/19 ~ 12/3

Sagittarius' time may not yet be upon us but we're going to jump the gun on this one and release the Sagittarius Anklet in anticipation for November 22nd.

With a full cycle completed we've also elected to release the Zodiac Signboards in the shop as well.  You can purchase a Zodiac Sign Signboard Box in the shop for 5500 Cash.

Additionally, if you missed  a chance to buy one of the anklets over the course of the previous year you have a second chance.  The shop will feature the Zodiac Sign Anklet Box for 3500 Cash*.  Open up one of these and select which Anklet you wish to obtain.

*Please Note: The Anklet Box will be bound to a character upon purchase so make sure you have the character you want the Anklet for selected before you make the purchase.

Black Serpent Items for Sale
11/19 ~ 12/3

Finally, we will be re-featuring the Black Serpent Necklace, Anklet and Ring in the shop.

Black Serpent Necklace

Black Serpent Anklet

Black Serpent Ring

*Please Note: Each of these items will be bound to a character upon purchase so make sure you have the character you want selected before you make the purchase. 

**The items above are examples of what the item will look like if those characters equipped it. The gems will change colour depending on the character.
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