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[GCPH] Grand Chase Rebirth Features

Rebirth, the newest patch of Grand Chase Philippines has come. Experience the imperium of MP/AP Characters as they uphold their special skills, be amazed with the brand new User Interface and look at the emotions of your characters as the old emotionless faces be removed. Get ready to experience: Grand Chase REBIRTH!

New User Interface
Channel List

Character Selection

New Character
Click "Create Character". This will bring you to a new window that list character/s you don't have.




Included Guild, Home, Mailbox, Record, Change Character and Channel button.

Dungeon Window

Chat Window
Has now filters and chat channels

Hybrid Skill

Hybrid Skill Mode
 All MP characters can now press the A S and D buttons to activate their Lv 1, Lv 2 and Lv 3 skills! They are, of course, still able to press and hold Z to charge and activate skills as normal.

Selecting Skills

Go to the Skill window and select your Lv 1, Lv2 and Lv 3 skills as usual.
Lv 1 Skill will always be assigned to the A key.
Lv 2 Skill will always be assigned to the S key.
Lv 3 Skill will always be assigned to the D key.

Characters with Multiple Skill sets

Characters with a second skill set (Arme, Ronan and Amy) or cash skills (Elesis, Lire, Arme, Lass) will have the selected skills in each set assigned to the A, S and D keys, as usual.

You can toggle between both skill sets by pressing X, as usual. The relevant skills from your chosen skill set will be placed in the A, S and D keys.

Hybrid Skill Cooldowns

Using the A,S and D keys to activate a skill will trigger its skill cooldown.
 However, the same key on a different skill set does not share the same cooldown.

 Key Re-Assignments

Since the A, S and D keys have been re-assigned to Hybrid skill activation, characters with existing move sets that utilize those keys have had their activation combinations changed.

Use Item (PVP Item Mode) – Left <Shift> key


Construct Lv 1 – C Z after Special Mode charge (X X)
Construct Lv 2 – C C Z after Special Mode charge (X X)
Construct Lv 3 (Polaris) – C C C Z after Special Mode charge (X X)
Mega Launcher (La Geas) – C after Special Mode charge (X X)
Barrier (La Geas) – C
Summon Support Construct – Press C repeatedly while Summoning Magic Bead (X after Special Mode charge)

Character’s Face Improvement

Rebirth: Character Updates

4th Special Skill



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