[GCKR] Raid Dungeon vol. 2

2012 10 ?
Four People is not capable of handling a very huge hunt party in a very difficult place
The Advent of the New Dungeon Concept
CharmSprite's Notes:
Hi there Guys!!. Remember the Raid Dungeon Earlier? where concepts of big dragons and dragons and dragons everywhere!...
The concept above is the Boss of the last dungeon in Archemedia named Dragon A or the Alpha Dragon.
kinda looks like he controls all the dragons in the upcoming dungeon to be Released this October.
Also, Concept "Raid Dungeon" is the beginning of the new dungeon concept part of the Heroes Project where an Interview earlier stated that not only 4 members are allowed to raid the dungeon but instead MORE members of a party can raid the dungeon for faster, more efficient, and more exciting Gameplay...
We'll be expecting this soon enough... ^^v
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