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Savior - Gary's Version

Weapon: Ssanggeom
Obtained: 4th Job Change (Quest Required)
Level Obtained: 40
  • "Is that all you got?"

Savior Characteristics

For her work against the evils of Kaze'aze, Elesis is being honored with the title of Savior. The title of Savior is reserved only for the greatest Knights whose skills have transcended those of mere mortals. Not simply a defender against evil, they defend the entire world from evil.
Saviors move very quickly while effortlessly wielding a pair of swords called Ssanggeom. Each sword is an extension of the Savior's arm. Enemies who have confronted Saviors on the battle field know to dread the quick, sweeping strikes of the Savior. Saviors are the ultimate swordsmen who recognize the drawbacks of a single sword and make up for them by carrying two.

Savior's Skills


Savior is a dual-sword wielding knight.
Has couple of Aerial Combos.
Can use heavy slams against the target.
Has a special "Side-step" ability.

Savior Mission


MP Skills

Lv.1 Skill - Round Crash
Savior’s 1st grade attack. The Savior swings her swords to build momentum and brings them crushing down on her enemy's head.
  • Basically just the end combo in skill form.
Lv.2 Skill - Fated Circle
Savior's 2nd grade attack. The Savior twirls her swords and calls forth a spinning fire gale to destroy her enemies. People say this skill as "Flaming" Circle but it is meaning as "Fated" Circle.
  • The spinning circle deals quite an amount of damage. The real damage is in the spinning circle, and not in the circle being tossed, but it can be used as a shield strategy.
  • The Circle has been seen to emit a few Flames, even without the Fire Element.
Lv.3 Skill - Chaos Savior
Savior's 3rd grade level attack sends the Savior pirouetting like a flaming sword wielding ballerina of death. Heaving herself into the sky, the Savior finishes the deadly move by slamming a powerful wave of energy against her enemies.
  • Basically a Tornado Swing type attack but much stronger and more furious.
  • In the end, it tosses a Sonic Wave-like beam to the ground. However, they are given a limited shot set.
  • Elesis says Chaos Savior-UP instead of Chaos Savior during this attack.