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Archer - Gary's Version

Weapon: Bow
Obtained: Base Job (No Quest Required)
Level Obtained: 0
  • "Are you ready?"
  • "Ow!"
  • "You are so weak!"
  • "I was going to take it easy, but, oh well!"

Archer Characteristics

Archer specializes in powerful long-range bow and arrow attacks, and can move quickly and stealthily. Her only downside is that she is easily pursued by Knights; however, she can overcome this vulnerability by using her environment to her advantage, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike her foes down with a critical arrow shot. Archer is designed for players who are skilled at controlling characters with precision. If Archer is guarded by a Knight in combat, she’ll make her enemies realize how foolish it was to confront her. Archer’s most remarkable special ability is her Double Jump.

Archer Skills


Lire is a Archer who usually stands to support her teammates by sniping enemies from afar.
Archers shoot arrows. Arrows can be "Defended", reducing a bit of damage from it. Melee characters, such as Elesis, have arrow defense.
Arrows with a special buff towards it (ie Flame Arrow, Hyper Shot, etc) cannot initiate an arrow defense status.
Arrows can be reflected sometimes during a Defend.
All of Elesis' Jobs can activate "Berserk" while being shot by a full Arrow Combo.
Shot Arrows can stun foes, giving the targets difficulty in mobility.
Lire is the first character to ever Double Jump.
She has an Aerial Heel Stomp, as only her Melee attack.
Lire's dash is more of a "Side-Step" movement.
Be wary that when on the ground, when charging, Lire will be unable to move. This can be avoided by using a simple dash attack before charging, or by pressing the enter key twice after charging has begun, which will fire one arrow, and allow you to move without wasting the charged mp.

Regular Skills

Metal Shot
(Grade 1) Archer’s 1st grade level attack that enables the user to shoot 5 arrows at different angles to damage targets. This skill has high attack strength, but it doesn’t have enough power to be used as a critical or finishing blow. Also known as Big Shot.
  • This shot instantly loads 5 Arrows, and then shot into widened range.
  • This skill can still be aimed like regular arrrows.
Arrow Rain
(Grade 2) Archer’s 2nd grade level attack that enables the user to shoot a volley of arrows that will arc and fall over a wide area. The arrows are shot above the user’s head, so this skill is effective on targets above the user. Also known as Castle Rain.
  • Skill shoots arrow above the user, and then rains down several other arrows down below.
  • Is most effective when the arrows going up hit an opponent, as they do the bulk of the damage.
Arrow Storm
(Grade 3) Archer’s 3rd grade level attack that enables the user to shoot a large volley of arrows that spin in a spiral to inflict great damage to targets. This spinning allows the arrows to spread over the entire screen, making this attack difficult to dodge. This skill is especially effective at causing critical damage to enemies at close range. Also known as Shooting Star.
  • Shoots a massive amount of arrows, and they all move in spiral form.
  • The arrows come back after leaving and "follow" the user to hit a second time. These arrows seem not to invoke arrow defense

Cash Skills

Attack Swing
(Grade 1) Archer's 1st grade level attack, that enables the user to perform an upward blow with the bow that launches the opponent to the air, attacks can still be performed whilst the opponent is in the air.
  • User will rush and swing her bow upward.
  • It is possible to perform other combos with this skill.
  • This skill is a melee attack, so it can't be blocked.
Eagle Sight
(Grade 1) Archer's 1st grade level buff, that enables the user to zoom out the camera. This allows the user to see farther and allows for greater accuracy when shooting arrows.
  • For 30 seconds, it increases the user's sight range.

Flame Arrow
(Grade 3) Archer's 3rd grade level attack, similar to Metal Shot the user shoots five explosive arrows in different angles. Flame Arrow can deal lethal damage to any opponent who gets into the user's attack.
  • Similar to Metal Shot, only the arrows do 5x more damage, since they explode on impact.
  • This skill can also be aimed.
  • This skill is very promising, since it can't easily be avoided.

Guides for Archer

Auto Shot
Auto shot is a technique that is sometimes referred to as "Otto". It is a repeated process of shooting arrows so that the arrows are one after the other. Once a player becomes the victim of Auto shot, he or she is usually hit by at least 5 or more continuous arrows causing possibly a lot of damage. Timing is incredibly important when trying to use any of the below. There are many ways an archer can otto depending on where they are at. Below are some ways.

1. Edge otto: This can be done at only certain edges of maps. The opponent should be below the edge and in front of you. To do this, you must hold the ← or → key as Z is pressed continuously at a very specific speed. It is walking off the edge, shooting an arrow of which will boost you back onto the edge, walk off, shoot another, etc. This allows a player continuously shoot at a rapid speed delay and preventing the opponent to run away from the arrows.

2. Ground otto: This can be done at any flat surface on any map but requires fast hand movement. The opponent should be directly in front of you or in front AND below you. It is accomplished when a players walks forward, jumps, pushes himself back in the air by shooting an arrow, walks forward, jump, shoot, walk, etc. The player is to press →↑Z continuously to do this.

3. Wall otto: This is done at the end of a map, otherwise known as a wall. The opponent is also to be damaged in front and below you like edge otto. The archer walks towards the wall, jumps, turns around to face the opponent, and shoots. It requires many keys pressed in a short period of time but is somewhat efficient and easy to do. The keys are ←↑→Z. The faster it is pressed the more arrows are going to hit.

4. Platform Wall otto: There is very limited areas to do this. Only on some thick platforms that are attached to walls can this be completed such as the Upright most platform in Elven Forest map. It is a considerably simple otto that is done by pressing ↓Z. As the platform is thick, when pressing down and Z, it will not only allow the player to shoot and arrow, but allows the player to stay on the platform. Timing is incredibly important in this one.
Avoiding Beserk
Don't you hate it when Elesis beserks you and hurts you badly? Guess what, there are a few ways to avoid it!
1. Don't shoot the last shot. The last shot in your chain of arrows triggers the beserk.
2. Unfortunately, the last shot is also the strongest, and without the last shot you're delayed and vulnerable. Here's a trick: while you're shooting, press the "z" (or whatever your attack key is) key extremely fast. Right when your Lire (we're using Archer or Nova as example) is about to shoot the 4th arrow, hold down "z" and charge up 1 bar MP and release. You might think "but that still doesn't shoot the last arrow!". Wrong. Because you pressed "z" so fast that even when you're charging up MP Lire is still shooting, so if you can time it right, you can shoot all your arrows, trigger beserk, but avoid getting hurt!