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[IDGC] Saint Update, And many more

Patch 12 September 2013

haha, miss me ?
so many homework this month :v
here i am, back after long hibernate :v

New Event :
  • Saint Pre Event ( 5 Sept 2013 - 17 Sept 2013 )
  • Zodiac Farewell Event ( 5 Sept 2013 - 3 Oct 2013 )
  • Login Event ( 5 Sept 2013 - 19 Sept 2013 )
  • Legendary Hammer Event ( 12 Sept - 3 Oct 2013 )
  • Event Dungeon : Monster Express 301 ( 17 Sept 2013 - 3 Oct 2013 )
  • Super Gacha (Sellion,Sirius,Flowbell,Annie&Momoe) ( 17 Sept 2013 - 3 Oct 2013 )
  • Quiz Bingo Event ( 17 Sept 2013 - 3 Oct 2013 )

New Login Screen

Saint Pre Event

there will a minigame , that you should login and claim the reward ,

Login 8 Days and Get Saint Avatar set (7 Days ) and Saint Cash Mission

 and, there will be Special Saint Limited Package too

 Passionate Saint Avatar and  Daybreaker Saint Avatar

Zodiac Farewell Event

and now, we must say good bye to Zodiac anklet and Signbord, that because GM wouldn't sell them again at shop next month :v
and now, GM will be sell Zodiac Signbord and Anklet at Shop in a box ( with Same Price )
but now you can choose your favorite Zodiac Signboard and anklet :v
Zodiac Signboard Box

Zodiac Anklet Box

Login Event 

Login and Get Proof Of Hero
Proof of Hero

Then Create an item with that Proof of hero in Create/Dismatle Menu 

Lime Mission Cash

Need 8 Proof of Hero

+30 Bag

Need 6  Proof of Hero

Legendary Hammer Event

If you login , you will get mission that the reward is Blessing Hammer for Lime 
The Mission is You must Collect Mini Hammer,
you will get it if complete a dungeon in your Lime Level

First Mission Collet 20Mini Hammer

Second Mission Collect 30 Mini Hammer

Third Mission Collect  40 mini hammer

Event Dungeon : Monster Expres 301

2nd Super Gacha

and , gacha for this month,
Marionette Armor Set and Accessories (Arme, Lass)

Annie & Momo

Quiz Bingo Event

answer all of bingo quiz,  in certain point,you will get a reward

Total Line Image Reward
1 [S3] Gods of Grand Chase Shields 1day
2 Dragon Ceramics 1
3  +10 Bag 1
4 Supa Dupa Exp Ring 1day
5 [S3] Gods of Grand Chase Shields 5day
6 Dragon Ceramics 1 day
7 Bermesiah Precious Pearl 10
8 Dragon Ceramics 1
9 Supa Dupa Exp Ring 1 day
10 [S3] Gods of Grand Chase Shields 10
11 Reinforce Chocolate 10
12 Dragon Ceramics 1
13 Silver Land Precious Pearl 10
14 Supa Dupa Exp Ring 1day
15 [S3] Gods of Grand Chase Shields 15day
16 Dragon Ceramics 1
17 Ellia Precious Pearl 10
18  +10 Bag 1
19 Supa Dupa Exp Ring 1
20 [S3] Gods of Grand Chase Shields permanent
21 Xenia Precious Pearl 10
22 GC Bear Avatar Set Chest 1

GC Bear Avatar set + Gods of GC Shield

this is the IDGC update for Sept 2013 ,
see you next update 


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