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AdventZ goes Elsword!!

Hi guys!! It's been a long time isn't it??... We'll we're proud to announce that we're back in action! and upon come back the AdventZ team decided we are going to cover Elsword too! So that means we're going to cover Grand Chase AND Elsword here in this very blog... Ain't that great?

So in Celebration of this special day, we made wallpaper and a timeline cover so that you can show that you participate in this special day...

Here is the wallpaper: feel free to use it as your desktop background..

(don't forget to click the picture for the full size)

And the Timeline cover
 (don't forget to click the picture for the full size)

If we feel like it, We'll make more.. ahahha
So better make sure we hear from you if you want more... alright??


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