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[GCTH] Dark Origin

Last week's update: Dark Origin's Avatar Sale. (Ended)


1. Ley's 4th Class - Dark Origin

To commemorate the arrival, players will receive EXP+5% bonus when playing in dungeon.

2. Dark Origin's Accessories Sale
Duration: 5/6/13 - 20/6/13

Dark Origin's avatar accessories will be sold in shop.

3. Gift Box Event
Duration: 5/6/13 - 20/6/13

Collect gift box pieces to obtain rewards.

There are two methods in winning prizes:
1. Collect certain piece to get the reward assigned for that part.

2. Collect all 9 pieces to win the grand prizes.

Yo can get the pieces from dungeons, logging-in, and checking attendance.

4. Notification for Mailbox system

Mailbox got a notification for an upgrade. Now players will know if there are any mails sent to them.

Additionally, players will receive Hero's Wing (14 days) to celebrate this improvement.

That's all for this week.

And here's my Dark Origin dungeon run.

Next week are Pre - Atum 7th and VIP event.

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