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[GCKR] New Gacha System Guide

Hello Guys!,, its kinda bad news for gacha users today for korea but i dont know really if you will like this.. but oh well here we go...

As of today, this update, ALL pets will now be character bound - meaning only one character can use a single pet... not all can use the same pet. unless you have a pet for each of the character let's say 17 of the same pet for all of your character wahahahahh!!... anywhoo, this update though has many ups and downs, but still Ill leave you guys to decide for yourself...

What are the catch?
- Gacha Items and chances of obtaining gacha armors will be increased massively
- Gacha Sealed Scroll consumption will be decreased into a significantly fixed amount.
- BUT! the pet as well as the armors (of course) will be Character Bound - meaning only one character can use the pet.

What about the Exisiting Pets?
-All exisiting pets you have will be retained. (~cue Angel's sing)

1. Well of course you have to buy bead scrolls to avail gacha items

 2. Complete the armor set

3. Select which character would you like to have the pet.. (yes the Pet will be Character Bound T^T)

4. After selecting the Character, you will be promted one final decision to accept the character binding or cancel it. (of course you would not be able to obtain the pet fully if you dont decide which character the pet will be bound)

5. After Selecting "Accept" Congratulations, you can now use the Character Bound Gacha pet.

Yeah , I like it a bit, considering Ill have many armors i want in less cost, (yay!) but deciding which character is best for the pet is not... (T^T)

ahahha What do you think about this update guys????
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