[BLUG] News for Upcoming Events - Azin, Lime 2nd jobs & a new character
so after the Epic defeat of Astaroth, cool things will come in development by grand chase. We would like to announce (exclusively) the updates that will take place for the next coming months.
Azin's 2nd Job (told you!)

Yes.. so apparently Azin WILL have a 2nd job.. as I told many of our fans in the AdventZ page, that He will as well as holy/lime will have 2nd jobs... hohoho
YES! Azin will have a 2nd job, the warrior will evolve his techniques even further, and your expections about the impossibilities about his Skill tree has been revamped, after the "character" was first developed to be perfect, and should have no classes.
We have not yet recieved any infos about it, so we leave the skills to your imaginations. The announcement for the new class is coming soon.
Yes and Holy/Lime too!
Care to create a topic discussion about this in our forums??.. please do so here: HERE or HERE or HERE
Azin's 2nd Job (told you!)

Yes.. so apparently Azin WILL have a 2nd job.. as I told many of our fans in the AdventZ page, that He will as well as holy/lime will have 2nd jobs... hohoho
YES! Azin will have a 2nd job, the warrior will evolve his techniques even further, and your expections about the impossibilities about his Skill tree has been revamped, after the "character" was first developed to be perfect, and should have no classes.
We have not yet recieved any infos about it, so we leave the skills to your imaginations. The announcement for the new class is coming soon.
Yes and Holy/Lime too!
so you thought were going to leave out the cute heroine of ernas out?? no no, Our Paladin will get more stronger then ever, since there are more unimaginable light powers that she can hold that she didnt notice YET!
can we expect more support skills? I dare say that. Unfortunately we do not have the exact schedules of the new classes so there..
and last but not the least
a New Character
and last but not the least the final announcement: this year the Chase will have another hero. No prediction yet because the character is still in its development state, but as soon as we have any information, well let you know as fast as the speeding bullet.
It is speculated that it will be a boy, becuase the last character is a girl. but then again , it does not mean much.
Remember that these innovations are only predictions and may be changed by the developer. There is no exact schedule for the release, but we thought the community should know...
from: BLUG
Anywhoo, about the new character, Im almost positive its a girl... ahhah :p
and Im just happy, that after this post, there will be no more people in our fanpage ranting about azin and holy will not having future jobs.. okay??.. cause it makes me really sick, and wants to hit them with an electric post while saying NO! THEY WILL!.
anywhoo, I still love our fans.. ^^v
Updates Coming soon.
- Mari's Skill Tree
- New Season
- New Dungeon & New Continent (of course)
- New Skill tree System
- New Interface
- New Gameplay
- Azin 2nd Job
- Holy/Lime 2nd Job
- New Character
- 5th jobs (hopefully)
Note: Infos said above are just speculations and not yet approved, again without schedules. We just liked you to know what's been going through our minds after been given/reading infos on reliable sources.
Care to create a topic discussion about this in our forums??.. please do so here: HERE or HERE or HERE
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