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[GCTH] Vanisher


Pre-Vanisher Event
Duration: 6/3/13 - 14/3/13

Collect Zero's Burning Spirit to craft Zero and his classes mission scrolls.

EXP+50% when using Zero in dungeon

Black Ellia Acc Sales: Mask and Circlet
Duration: 6/3/13 - 14/3/13

The legendary accessories are sold for a week.



Zero's 3rd Class - Vanisher

New Dungeon and PVP UI

Leaf Necklace Sale
Duration: 14/3/13 - 28/3/13

Card Shuffle Return
Duration: 14/3/13 - 28/3/13

Rainbow Event
Duration: 14/3/13 - 20/3/13

14/3 - Champion Mode doesn't require tickets
15/3 - GP + 50% in every mode
16/3 - EXP +50% in PVP
17/3 - Increase necklace enhancement rate by 50%; the number of gems required is halved
18/3 - EXP +50% in dungeon
19/3 - Reinforcement Stone enhancement rate +50%
20/3 - Drop Rate in dungeon +20%

That's all for the previous weeks.

Next week is Pre-Darkness Fall!

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