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[GCPH] Berserker & Super GACHA

Berserker & Super GACHA

Zero 3rd Job: BERSERKER
Duration: March 19
• Zero’s 3rd Job: BERSERKER is finally released.
• The Berserker Mission [Cash] will be available in the Shop.

Zero Celebration Ring
Duration: March 19 ~ March 26 (before maintenance)
• The Zero Celebration Ring will be available in the Shop.
• It has the same stat as Ellia Ring
• The Zero Celebration Ring has the same visual effect as Ellia Ring but it is colored green to signify Zero.
• All previous Zero Celebration Ring that was purchased will also be updated with the same visual effect.

Zero Skill Reset
Duration: March 19
• Zero’s skill points will automatically be reset after the maintenance.

Duration: March 19 ~ April 2 (before maintenance)
• The Super GACHA will be activated during the event period.
• You can choose one of the two available GACHA:
o Evil Emperor GACHA Redux
o Tidehunter GACHA Redux

• GACHA Level 10 ~ 80 will be available.

How to use:
• Click the Gacha tab.

• Choose what GACHA you will get.

• After choosing, the GACHA window will open and you can start unsealing your armor and accessories.

• For those who have Season 3 Tidehunter and Evil Emperor GACHA Sets, you may update them into Season 4 stats in the Crafting System.
• The damage of Pet DMG Mk-III and Pet Nerissa has been increased.
• The Season 3 added buffs is no longer present in the new Tidehunter GACHA Set. If you convert your old Tidehunter GACHA Set, the buffs will be removed.

UI Update: Room Renewal
Duration: March 19
• The UI for dungeon rooms and PvP rooms will be updated.
• The 6-player rooms for dungeons will only be updated after the release of Berkas Lair. For now, only 4-player rooms will be present.

UI Update: Dungeon Difficulty
Duration: March 19
• The Normal Mode and Champion Mode chooser will be separated.
o If you enter Normal Mode, you can directly choose Normal/Hard/Very Hard by clicking the button.
o If you enter Champion Mode, the other modes will not be available.

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