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[GCKR] 2.07.13 Gorge of ra Update and Plubell gacha

Hello, So Im really in a hurry and very busy about the upcoming Anniversary events of AdventZ.. Just a quick drop by for updates..

New Events

  • New Year Angpao event (Feb 7 ~ Feb 14)
  • Kkaji Kkaji New Year Emblem Event  (Feb 7 ~ Feb 21)
  • I want rice cake and soup event   (Feb 7 ~ Feb 21)
  • Moonlight Village Event   (Feb 7 ~ Feb 21)
  • Lime Open   (Feb 7 ~ Feb 21)
  • Mari's Lab Event   (Feb 7 ~ Feb 21)
  • Fashion King Coordi Package Sale   (Feb 7 ~ Feb 21)
  • Black Serpent Necklace and Anklet Sale   (Feb 7 ~ Feb 21)
  • Arquemis Enhancement Event   (Feb 7 ~ Feb 21)
  • Plubelle Gacha Event   (Feb 7 ~ Feb 21)
  • Oz' Secret Files  - VIP (Feb 7 ~ Feb 21)

About the Gameplay of Gorge of Ra. I will ask Kion to make us one.. since I can't and very busy... Thanks!!


a GACHA that has two Skills!!! YEY!!

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