[CharmBlog] Mysterious Masks
Hi Guys!!!. Time really flies by and yet its another Blog Post!... Tiring for me.. ahhahaha.. But the fact that I gave some infos that makes people happy... well then Two Thumbs up for You guys! and Three Thumbs up for me who made it!. (three thumbs huh???.. who has???) LOL!...
The True Meaning of Life

What to do? What to do???
and so I was really not in shape of thinking another plot for next week's blog post....

Some rumors say he's a new character... but NOOOOOO... She is Rin's 2nd Job!. ahhhahah
Its just a simple sketch of the earlier teaser silhouette of the Pre-release of Rin's 2nd Job.... like below

The One
Free Render
Its just a simple sketch of the earlier teaser silhouette of the Pre-release of Rin's 2nd Job.... like below
Im not really sure about the Name of her 2nd job in English but her Job Name in Korean is "Ga-Ram" which less likely mean - "The True Meaning of Life"
Many rumors says that her English Name should be "Shaman" since based on her skills and whatsoever, somehow controls the darkness... which uhmm I guess...... ahha okay!...
Rin's 2nd Job has been a Project of KoG for about I guess, 4 months already??... since her first Teaser appearance would be 4 months ago, with the first display of her 2nd Job armor on Project: fox, where is also the first teaser appearance of Azin
where 4 months after the first appearance and declaration on Project: Fox
TADA~!!! Behold The 2nd Job of Rin
but if in the left of the Picture of the Project: Fox.... its rin's 2nd Job??... what about the Picture on the Right??
Rin 3rd Job IKAW BA YAN????* (* is that you????)
oh well... we can never really know for sure... maybe after another 4 months???. LOL!!
and as Rin's 2nd job will be released this coming November 13 in brazil.... Levelup Brazil and GCPlayers gave a Livestream teaser of Rin's 2nd job, in Practice mode and in dungeon shown below... Enjoy!
im not really that sure of what's going on on the Project:00 BUT!!!..
But I can bet that based on the Picture above it is a puzzle piece of Zero's 3rd Job. and that Finally, his mask will be removed and his handsome face will shine above the rest...
I know that when the first time this was posted. I already knew that this is definitely Zero... as because I already saw his real face the eyes same as that of the above in the Grand Chase Files...
well.. haha close enough! ahah..
and on the contrary, Zero's 3rd job has been invading the blogosphere in korea, and some rumors has it about some of his skills and some files he has, that has been patched recently...

Based on the Files above... hmmm.. Le Thinking what im Thinking???
Le Looky down..
well enough about skills...
also, Project: 00 was also named as
Project: double Zero, or the "The Making of the Devil"
The One
Oh. So, as when on a later date, I have come across and have had the chance to ask for some notes from the Earlier Trend/ Hot topic in the Grand Chase world... Where this One called "UNO" that has a page in facebook like so... UNO's FB Page
we have made an interview where we are able to ask for some notes and he has to say...
so let's Hear it...
So you see, Uno has these haters that somehow doesnt leave him alone. having some people even make up a hate page just for him, hahah and even funnier, they even hated AdventZ just because of our connection with him, where Uno just became a mere member of our Guild in Grand Chase Philippines...
But even so, he is a member of AdventZ Guild in PH, nothing more nothing less.
but maybe also a friend, where he sometimes ask advices from me, about some aspects...
Yes, he sometimes makes mistakes but who are we to blame him, we are all as equal as a fool, and equal as a genius... we all make mistakes.... let's just say Uno sometimes just really hit the spots and make mistakes more often than us, but we are no place to judge him...
Just like how Jesus said in the bible,
"go throw the first stone at her, if one of you dont ever made a sin in your life"
... well, no further explanations...
we are here not to protect him... but to protect the thin line between what's right and what's wrong....
Free Render
So not having much to do, and some infos to share.... excluding the responsibility to level up my KGC account, and some event grinding in GCPH, Plus the repatch of my Blade and Soul Client, and Lvling up at Dragon Nest SEA, with DNKR totally forgotten all alone. I managed to sneak in the time I used to render this Dio's 4th Job - Twilight Render for all of those Artists out there who wanted to use the render...
Here's the Treat for you guys!.
a chibi, twilight without wings and a twilight render with wings...
Remember to click the pictures to see the full size and there you can save the picture as.... ^^v
What to do? What to do???
and so I was really not in shape of thinking another plot for next week's blog post....
What if you guys give me Suggestions on what topics or some updates or projects you want me to dig out in the World Wide Web, and have some Informations to get... Please Give some suggestions on what you want to be featured on the my Next blog post...
If you have some suggestions, please drop it on the Comments box below.
Fan Arts and some Fan Made Stuff are also welcome if you want your Goodies to be featured next week, then please send me a message HERE, with the link of your Picture or something something... ahhaha..
Enjoy and have a Nice week ahead. ^^v
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