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[Story] Kounat Chronicles #2

Bardinar tried to use the Soul Stone to control the Ernas Hammer, Ernas Hammer has the capability is to wipe out all that could be, then his main objective is to take vengeance against the gods, and the Legendary Knights that aided them in the war which is also known as the "Highlanders". But, only a Royal Blooded People of Kounat known as a "geas" whose powers are similar to a Deity are the only people who can control the power of the Soul Stone and thus the powerful Ernas Hammer, Because of Bardinar's wretched greed he took the soul stone and tried to control the Hammer, but it was out of his control

The Greed of bardinar in using the Hammer resulted in a very big explosion called the "Big Bang", which annihilated the whole civilization of Kounat. From his palace, the Royal Family could'nt do anything as they watched the explosion devour their kingdom.

At the Last Second, when the Big Bang happened, it was the time when the demons are about to invade the kingdom. A demon named "Duel" who knew everything about the Soul Stone and which is his main goal - to steal the stone, witnessed the Big Explosion, he sealed the Little Girl of the Royal Family named "Mari" in a Time Capsule. To Protect the Soul Stone. It all happened so fast

The Capsule was thrown far away in salvation against the Big Bang, and Duel also opened a portal to escape the explosion. For some reasons Duel saved Mari. Thus leaving Mari in the Capsule and is enabled a "Hibernation" mode where she will fall asleep for a very long time...

The explosion was very poweful, up until it reaches and destroyed the Kingdoms of the Elves and Dwarves. Both kingdoms are blaming each other for the death of their Kings, and thus began a neverending war between the elves and dwarves. Meanwhile,  Duel lost track of the capsulethat without knowing that the capsule has been dropped in the  Ellia. and spent centuries there ", stuck in the hibernation, the capsule made was of the highest techonology of kounat that enables one to stop aging, and when the capsule has been opened, Mari - without knowing anything from her past.

One person survived, Bardinar, until he went to Xenia - the land of the Gods to disguise himself named himself - Astaroth. and started his plan to make the Soul stone stronger. He devised an evil plan with the god of domination - Thanatos. but the plan was disturbed by the Grand Chase

But when Grand Chase Defeated Thanatos, he stole the Essence of Thanatos leaving him more power, plus the soul stone.... and Astaroth will stand as a threat to the Grand Chase

Part 2
Part 3 - Coming Soon...

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