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[GCPH] Act 3: Imperium Skills (Part 4) – Rin & Ronan and Battle of Heroes Mode ("aka" DOTA SYSTEM")

What's new for Grand Chasers next week?

  • Act 3: Imperium Skills (Part 4) – Rin & Ronan
    • 4th Special Skill – Rin & Ronan
    • 4th AP/MP Bar – GP Mission
    • 4th Special Skill – GP Mission
    • Limited Release – Limit Break Packages
    • Battle of Heroes Mode
    • Serdin Noble Avatar
For the complete details click HERE.

Jumbled Words for the week: ACLICHEDJEERFROSPIGOT

4th Special Skill – Rin & Ronan
Duration: October 16


• 4th Special Skill of Rin and Ronan.
• 4th Special skill can be viewed in the Skill Tree window.

• You may purchase Limit Break Key at the Shop to unlock 4th AP/MP Br and 4th Special Key

4th AP/MP Bar – GP Mission
Duration: October 16 – October 23 (before maintenance)

• 4th AP/MP Bar mission for Rin and Ronan will be available in the Shop during the event period.
• Unused missions will be deleted at the end of the event period.

4th Special Skill – GP Mission
Duration: October 16 – October 23 (before maintenance)


• Arme and Jin’s 4th Special Skill GP Mission will be available in the Shop during the event period.
• Unused missions will be deleted.

Limited Release – Limit Break Packages
Duration: October 16 – October 23 (before maintenance)

• Limit Break Packages for Ronan will be available in the Shop during the event period.

Battle of Heroes Mode
Duration: October 16 – October 30 (before maintenance)

• Log in once during the event period to get the Capture the Flag Mission.

• Finish the mission to get this reward:

• You will earn 3 points for every victory in the Battle of Heroes Mode.
• You will earn 1 point for ever loss.
• A title will be given as a reward which will be according to your points earned by playing the Battle of Heroes Mode.

Serdin Noble Avatar
Duration: October 10

• The Serdin Noble Avatar will be available in the Shop.

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