[Blog] The Twilight of KoG
Hi There guys!.. I just want everybody to know that every Sunday at exactly 11am I will post some these Blog Posts where I will Take you down on the Grand Chase mainstream, Give you Some Scoops and Spoonfuls of All about the Grand Chase Stuff that makes Grand Chase so successful. I give some inside scoops on KoG, Some Talk-of-the-towns, Features, and some Extras I just want to share to you guys because I love the AdventZ Fans!!
Lire's Arrow Revamp (some necklaces)
Halloween Necklace
The Halloween Necklace, that was made unexpectedly, now Haunting the World with its Cool Effects..

Meet Gwen.... Or is it???
Some rumors tell that there is a Fan Character that is lurking the Grand Chase Brazil, that a Very persuasive and amazing character named Gwen, is suggested to become a Full-pledged Character in Grand Chase....
Yes she is a Fan Character Made by DevilHaunt, was Suggested in the BR Forums and now being talked about "WORLDWIDE", Yes DevilHaunt. Internationally, and now currently the talk-of-the-town in Korea... Lets Just say we are proud of you, and Congratulations for your achievements. As it was Being Trended in Korea, It Caught the eye of many Korean Gamers in the Grand Chase korean Forums, so a Little heads up... here's her picture:
[Suggestion] Dio's Skill Tree Revamp
Next week: Project: 00
Lire's Arrow Revamp (some necklaces)
from this ------------------------------- to this
Halloween Necklace
The Halloween Necklace, that was made unexpectedly, now Haunting the World with its Cool Effects..

Outstanding Credits goes to GCPlayers Tumblr blog...
I didnt manage to get one in Korea so there... T_T
Candy Arrows!!
Pumpkin Impact! (deep Impact)
Standing Effect
Upon Contact
Meet Gwen.... Or is it???
Some rumors tell that there is a Fan Character that is lurking the Grand Chase Brazil, that a Very persuasive and amazing character named Gwen, is suggested to become a Full-pledged Character in Grand Chase....
Yes she is a Fan Character Made by DevilHaunt, was Suggested in the BR Forums and now being talked about "WORLDWIDE", Yes DevilHaunt. Internationally, and now currently the talk-of-the-town in Korea... Lets Just say we are proud of you, and Congratulations for your achievements. As it was Being Trended in Korea, It Caught the eye of many Korean Gamers in the Grand Chase korean Forums, so a Little heads up... here's her picture:
I dont really know if it will be released Officially, But one thing is for sure KoG will use this idea in the Future Update. Its either She will be a new Character, or Her Concept will be used for the 2nd job of Rin. As KoG is currently accepting Suggestions from Players, Im sure its not that far from being noticed by KoG's GMs your Hardwork.. Im sure they'll not let all of your hardwork go to waste. We'll be sure to stay in touch with this Suggestion and what its gonna be. As we have some few Suggestions Filed in Korea of our own... Specifically Jov's Rune Suggestion... Go Players! Let the People Power Amaze all... LOL!
Again We Salute you. DevilHaunt, and may your work inspire all...
[Suggestion] Dio's Skill Tree Revamp
Meanwhile, While Gwen is being the talk of the town... Another Suggestion has been implemented recently on Grand Chase Korea...
GM_Shaemi Heard the Cry of a user and was given the chance for her Suggestion to be Implemented so there...
We Thank you for your Suggestion - "Someone with a blurred and Pixelated Name for protection" cause be benefit from your Suggestion.. My dio's Skill Tree has now been Fixed.. HOHOHOHOHO~!
Berkas Lair and New Dungeon Mode: Raid
The Berkas lair is the New Dungeon together will be released with the New Dungeon Mode: Raid Dungeon
Berkas Lair is a long Forgotten Concept Dungeon which is shown in the picture Below... and was only reminded and will be Implemented on October 25 2012.
Berkas Lair is planned to have the Most Massive Map ever in the History of Grand Chase, Jam Packed with Massive Monsters. having a Boss That is Incredibly Huge compared with Zen of Temple of origins this Boss is expected to be much bigger in height and in width... packed with the ability to fly in the map. Which makes the Dungeon Expected to be Uber Tough to beat. but with the implementation of the New Dungeon Mode: Raid Mode where Users are enabled to face uber tough dungeons like these to engage in a battle in not just 4 members of the party in one room but MORE than 4 party members can join in the fun in raiding this tough Dungeon
No im Not Exaggerating this Boss will be MASSIVE!! Based on the Height chart below... on a ratio of maybe 1:8 of his height compared on the characters size, and an estimate of 1:17 compared on the character's width. Can you Imagine That big???
So when this Heck of a Dungeon comes in Korea well try to give you an update as soon as possible.
So be sure to check it out on October 25 2012. huh guys?
Next week: Project: 00
know more about what's up with Project:00.
He will be Featured Next week so Stay Tuned again. on my next Blog...
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