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[NAGC] Official NAGC Blog #6 – UI Sneak Peeks & GM_Kumiho!

Official NAGC Blog #6 – UI Sneak Peeks & GM_Kumiho!

Hope last week was fantastic for you, Chasers – welcome to Week 6 here at the Official NAGC Blog!
This week, we’re bringing you a short preview of our new UI headed to Grand Chase very soon! In addition, we’ve got an interview with the long-time GM_Kumiho and a smattering of how-to guides to check out on our forums. Let’s get to it!

Sneak Peek – New UI!
As some of you may have heard, we have a new UI on its way to NAGC! Here’s a quick preview of what you can expect in an upcoming patch.

Video Here: http://youtu.be/C_hhd9vTz3c

GM Interview #3 – GM_Kumiho
This week, I sat down and had a chat with GM_Kumiho – some of you may not be as familiar with her as she’s not always in game. Just the same, she’s a very integral part of bringing Grand Chase to the North American region!

Q: What do you do at GameRage?
A: My role is mostly behind the scenes. More or less, I act as liaison between KOG (Grand Chase’s developer) and GameRage. I also manage the members of the NAGC team in terms of their tasks, collect feedback and suggestions from players to send to development, and spend a lot of time in meetings!

Q: How long have you worked at GameRage?
I’ll be hitting my 5 year mark in a couple of months.

Q: Why did you pick your GM name?
It was mostly GM_Moshup’s idea. It took me about 2 weeks to choose. Back then, we were only working on Trickster Online, so we were all trying to go with names from that lore and world. As I’m Asian, we kind of all went that direction for my name. So thanks to Moshup!

Q: What’s your favorite hobby?
A: At the end of the day, I’m a gamer. When I go home, I’m a player like anyone else. I think I’ve been meant to be a gamer since the beginning… The first game I ever played was The Secret of Monkey Island. But my first love (in gaming) are First Person Shooters, followed closely by MMORPGs.

I read books too. So I guess there’s that. =P

Q: Who’s your favorite Grand Chase character?
A: Ryan (Sentinel). He’s so unloved. ;_; He definitely needs some more attention! People really used to like him… he’s sort of become that underdog, under-appreciated kind of character.

Q: What is your ideal future for Grand Chase?
My ideal is to have a strong PvP and Dungeon Community. A strong community all around, really. For PvP, Grand Chase really has the potential to have a flourishing competitive scene, and I want to see that happen. We lack the resources to push for that right now, but we’re trying! Our 1v1 Ranked matches are a step in the right direction, but we need some development tools to make it effective and fun for our players.
I’d like to give the dungeon community a greater challenge as well. Dungeons are hard, but not difficult. By that, I mean that they may take a lot of time or investment to complete, but the actual act of completing them is usually not too difficult. I think a really strong story and background need to take the spotlight in future content, and I want to see us go back to that.

Q: What’s your favorite Grand Chase event?
All the event dungeons, really! The way they play is a quirky, cool change of pace that you don’t see in normal dungeons. Then you have Nightmare Circus which brought a more fun and interesting story along with it. Things like that are really my favorites!

Q: If you could have one thing added to North American Grand Chase, what would it be and why?
A: Kanavan Colosseum. A strong PvP system is important in any game, in my opinion. It would give us a better chance to branch out into E-Sports and could also give way to a bigger and better GWC tournament. I’d love to see that!

Q: One more! If you could tell the whole GC community one thing, what would it be?
A: Your voices are NOT unheard! We’re players too. We know the pain. We understand the frustration you feel when content takes a while to come out, or a character feels unnoticed. We know there can be better decisions, too. We work on improving that every day. The best we can hope for is that our passion shows!

Thanks so much to Kumiho for taking time out of her busy day to be interviewed! Next week, we’ll be taking questions for… me! If you have any questions for GM_Artemis, start thinking of them now, and we’ll ask you for them next time!

Community Spotlight – Character Guides
If you haven’t visited our forums yet, you are definitely missing out! We have a strong community of dedicated players there who are helpful and dedicated to introducing players to the ins and outs of Grand Chase. Our guide community is awesome, and I’m happy to present two of them here for you today.

User MrSnail has written up a Newbie Guide designed specifically for players who are completely new to the game. In addition to the basic information of how to play, he’s also included a list of other guides for you to check out based on his recommendations. There’s some great information in here for newcomers – my favorite is the glossary of common Grand Chase abbreviations!
You can view his guide here.

If you’re looking for something a bit more specific, forumer kiker326 has posted The Full Blown Guide to Lire, the Arch Ranger. This is a guide primarily intended for PvP instruction – being a Lire player myself, I can definitely appreciate the in-depth look at her various classes. If this guide isn’t your cup of tea, he’s also taken the time to point out some other guides that might be of interest.
You can view this guide here.

Want to submit something to the Community Spotlight? Have an awesome Ronan cupcake? Did you knit a 2D Amy? How about a Ryan made of pipe cleaners? We’ll accept anything related to NA Grand Chase that’s a positive impact on the community, so please send in your stuff!
That’s all for this week, Knights! We hope to see you back here next week for more sneak peeks, community awesomeness, and behind-the-scenes looks!

Quoted from: GM_Artemis' Blog on the Official NAGC Blog
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