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[AdventZ News] An Interview with GM Chronos of NAGC

GM Interview #1 – GM_Chronos

This week we take a look at a Game Master most Chasers are well aware of, Chronos!

Q: What do you do at GameRage?
A: I work primarily on Grand Chase doing Quality Assurance and Localization. I check all the new content, make sure everything translates well, and try to look for any bugs or issues that may be specific to our version of Grand Chase. I also help to organize and run all our GC events and tournaments, beat lots of noobs in PvP, and make that little post on the forums that lets you guys know when the server is back up after maintenance.

Q: How long have you been working at GameRage?
A: I’ve been working here for a little over 8 months now.

Q: Why did you pick your GM name?
A: I think I took the longest to actually pick a name. It took me a little over a month to finally decide on one. GM_Bawkzie had just decided he was going to name me GM_Indecisive. I noticed a lot of our GMs at the time had gone with names of gods, so I wanted to try and keep with that theme. When I was going through a list of gods, I came across Chronos, which immediately stood out to me because of Chrono from Chrono Trigger that I had beaten like a hundred times as a kid. So, Chronos.

Q: What’s your favorite hobby?
A: Well, aside from my borderline obsessive gaming habits, I like to snowboard and I play hockey in a local league with some friends. Since moving to Southern California, I’ve had to substitute snowboarding with surfing for the most part as it’s more accessible, but I still make it up to the mountains on occasion. Gaming wise, I play a lot of FPS games and mostly on PC.

Q: What kind of education do you have?
A: I actually started out in Architecture, but I had always wanted to work in games. After a few years working as a drafter, I went back to school and got a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts with a focus in game development and level design.

Q: What is your dream job?
A: I would say probably that guy on Top Gear that drives all those hundred thousand dollar cars around their test tracks all day (The Stig); seems like a pretty awesome job to have. Although, I’m not exactly miserable coming into work every day and working on video games either, so I’m pretty happy to be where I’m at!

Q: What inspired you to get into the game industry?
A: My parents never allowed me to own or play video games when I was growing up, so naturally I developed a bit of a fascination with them as I was sneaking over to my friend’s house every weekend to play River City Ransom on his NES. I’ve always really loved the creative community that forms around games and their ability to create some fun and unique experiences with every new generation. The opportunity to be a part of something like that wasn’t something I wanted to pass up.

Q: Who is your favorite Grand Chase character?
A: Probably Zero. He has a really cool back story that I hope we get to see play out more in the near future. He’s one of those quiet characters sitting in the background that we don’t know too much about, doesn’t get picked all that often, and gets absolutely pummeled by water balloons. But he will have his day!

Q: What’s been your favorite Grand Chase event and why?
A: Probably the Nightmare Circus, I really like events that expand on the characters’ back stories. Also the 1v1 tournament with the live-stream was a lot of fun too. Chatting with players, predicting match outcomes, and just spectating live matches as a community for the first time was a really cool experience.

Q: Are you anything in real life like you portray yourself to be in-game?
A: I would say so. I tend to be very competitive and loud in real life, so as much of that as I can take into the game with me while still maintaining GM standards I try to do.

Thanks, Chronos! We’ll be interviewing GM_Phoenix next, so start thinking about your questions – we’ll ask you for them next week and post his answers on August 28th!

Credits to: GM Artemis and NAGC Official Blog
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