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Grandiel Kaxias

"Grandiel Kaxias"

He was the Prime Minister and Royal Adviser of the Former Kounat King - "Astaroth Bardinar". He was also a close friend of the Former Asmodian Ruler...


as when Bardinar was seeking for great power he tried to use the Legendary Artifact called "Ernas Hammer" which can be controlled by noone...

as when he tried to warn Bardinar... Bardinar was unstoppable.... so he decided to Flee Kounat in search for Sanctuary. A place where they would be safe.... He gathered all of the Dwarves, Elves, and Demons and Locked themselves in the Highest Tower for Protection.

And when Bardinar used the Hammer.. Kounat was destroyed by a big Explosion called "The Big Bang".

Also, He is the answer of Mari's Sufferings....
He is the Beholder of the Last copy of Mari's Memories - The "Claire Bible".

Today, He is now Locked in the Last Floor of the Tower of illusions

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