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[GCKR] Patch Notes as of 07.05.12

[ New Event ]

- Holy Knight Challenge (July 28 after the update - July 19 update before)
- Lime Enjoy the event (July 5 after update - August 2 updates before) 
- Lime with Enjoy Events July 5 - July 19 after the update before the update 
- let's party! Events (July 5 after update - July 19 update before) 
- Conan's glasses Find events (July 5 after the update from the July 19 update before) 
- bead seal events (July 5 after the update from the August 2nd update before) 
- Lime 100 won accessory sales (July 5 after the update from the August 2nd update before) 
- Holy Night Package and Blessing Hammer Sales (July 5 after the update from the July 19 update until )

[End Event ]

- get to know Mari event (June 21 after the update - July 5 update before)
- rikkun Tornado (June 21 after the update - July 5 update before) 
- back checkmate sealing bead event (June 21 - July 5 after the update before the update) 
- Mari costume making event (June 28 - July 5 after the update before the update)


July 5, the following events after the update is in progress .

<< Event >>

▶ Sealed Beads Event

Event Date: July 5 August 2 after the update from the update until

Youre Waiting is over! Equipment bead events is back -level equipment will be open 20/40/80 level denominations. Sealed beads can be obtained in dungeons once again. and new Character lime's Sealed beads are made..

Get all the Armors and Accesorries and the Final Compensation will be the New Cordelia Pet

▶ Let's party! Events

Event Date: July 5 - July 19 after the update until the update

Join in a Party of two or more and Clear Dungeons with them...

Regarding on how many times the Party has cleared any dungeon. they will recieve Rewards Individually

Conan glasses Find Events

Event Date: July 5 after the update from the July 19 update 

~Just some simple Mission Event~

<< Event >>

▶ Holy Night Package and Hammer of Blessing Discount

Event Date: July 5 after the update from the July 19 update before the

Lime's Costumes and Armor Package are now Released and has a Discount on the Shops 

- Holy Knight outfit package

Package Name
Growth of the Holy Night Package

Holly Knight costume Helmet

On Holy Night Dress

Holy Night Dress Pants

Holy Night Dress Gloves

Holy Night Dress Shoes

Cloak of Holy Night Dress

Package Name
Holly Knight weapons package of growth

Holly Knight's Hammer of Blessing

★ Reach Level 60 on That Dress and you will recieve a reward

Lime Dress Ticket Upgrade

▶ lime vision Skills Open

Event Date: July 5 - ongoing

As you level you will have special Missions and as you go and reach level 50 your Secret Skills will be unlocked if you completed the mission

First off bongingi -1 Vision Mission

Credentials 1


Vision Mission -2 bongingi first release

Credentials 2

HP recovery potion (large)

First off bongingi -3 vision mission

Holly Knight
collection maryeokseok

MP recovery Potion (large)

First off bongingi -4 vision mission

Popular vision of the first rod

Vision bongingi - MP-gauge 4th-slot

-1 Second off bongingi Vision Mission

Let achieve 70lv


Vision Mission -2 bongingi second release

Credentials 3

HP recovery potion (large)

Mission Vision -3 bongingi second release

Holly Knight's
regular collection pieces

MP recovery Potion (large)

-4 Second release bongingi Vision Mission

Popular vision of the second rod

Vision bongingi - Aura range increased

Mission Vision sealed off MOVES -1

Let achieve 80lv



Vision Mission -2 sealed off MOVES

Credentials 4

HP recovery potion (large)

Mission Vision -3 sealed off MOVES

Bern Church

MP recovery Potion (large)

Vision, mission -4 sealed off MOVES

Church dral

Mysterious Potion (large)

Mission Vision -5 sealed off MOVES

Vision seal MOVES

Vision seal MOVES - Redemption

[from here: google translated... because im lazy... but hey its interesting.. ill translate it ALL Tomorrow!]

▶ Holy Knight Challenge

Event Date: July 5 - July 19 after the update, the update until the

mission is completed and the duration of the event limes turn to the Eternal Holy Night spy! the event period will be paid to Mission Lime! (Ba-boom) With a certain mission? Very, very simple!

The main mission

For the main mission

Holly Knight Challenge

Holly Knight apprentice of eternity in the article
can be is a test mission.
period of time does not pass the exam,
you can not obtain a Holy Night.


For the submission

Let achieve level 20.

Dungeon defeating the evil of the bunch,
bring them to justice by achieving level 20 d

-> If you do not achieve level 20 rhymes are sealed.

(to be sealed if the lime is not available. levels, items, and relieved to preserve your information.) Reach level 20 and you need to accept as a fellow lime + f +

complete the mission you receive the item itdapnida Cody Lyme great ~!

The item names


Cody Dress Set Holy Night

7 days

▶ Lime Enjoy the Event

Event Date: July 5 after update - August 2 Updates Until

lime character level achieved at every lime support box will. the event period when the connection Lyme support box 1Lv items deurimyeo each level of achievement should Components may be able to obtain the appropriate box. Just look at whether any components? + F +

lime Components 1Lv support box

The item names

Period / Number

Lime 10Lv support box


Growing ring of angels

1 day

Grand Chase Necklace

1 day

Sealed box of the Madeleine


Lyme support box components 10Lv

The item names

Period / Number

Lime 30Lv support box


Growing ring of angels

1 day

Special card box


Sealed box of the Madeleine


Lyme support box components 30Lv

The item names

Period / Number

Lime 50Lv support box


Growing ring of angels

1 day

Premium Card Box


Sealed box of the Madeleine


Lyme support box components 50Lv

The item names

Period / Number

Lime 70Lv support box


Holly Knight silhouette cards


Growing ring of angels

1 day

Premium Card Box


Sealed box of the Madeleine


Lyme support box components 70Lv

The item names

Period / Number

Holy Night Card


Growing ring of angels

1 day

Premium Card Box


Sealed box of the Madeleine


Hold on here! Holy Night Cards Are the information, do not you curious? Ohhonghong

The item names





Holly Knight silhouette cards



HP absorption +1501

Please define the strength to keep!

Holy Night Card



MOVES Attack Power + 259

Janjaeju care about in front of the definition
is useless!

And! Euahni Madeleine's box or in the five did what? has prepared for those. See the table below!

The item names


A large portion of the package


A large portion of the package 2


MOVES pet recovery of ancient potions Elyos


HP recovery potion of ancient Elyos


MP recovery potion of ancient Elyos


Attack of the ancient enhancement potions Elyos


Asmodian armor of the ancient enhancement potion


Attack of the ancient enhancement potions Elyos


Asmodian armor of the ancient super potions


Arena of ancient potions Elyos


Portion of the ancient anti Elyos


Zealot of ancient potions Elyos


Madeleine sealed card

Chapter 1

▶ rhymes with enjoy the event

Event Date: July 5 after update - July 19 update until the

events during the lime dungeon appears.
lime and having fun together dungeon play shall we?

▶ Lime 100 won accessory sales

event period: 7 05, after the update from the update until August 2

limes minipet Meet cute! four seasons as a lime and Cody always be done with the item's + _ + during the event will be sold in stores!

The item names


Minipet box lime


When you open the box you can choose for each character!

The item names


Lime minipet

Eli system

Lime minipet


Lime minipet


Lime minipet


Lime minipet


Lime minipet


Lime minipet


Lime minipet


Lime minipet

Zeke Hart

Lime minipet


Lime minipet


Lime minipet


Lime minipet


Lime minipet


Lime minipet


Lime minipet


Lime minipet


- I think the following abilities of lime minipet


2.20% rise velocity

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