[GCBR] No Lime in Brazil!!! / Meet Holy: The Paladin!
At this point, the vast majority of players of Grand Chase already know about the new character in the game, which was launched yesterday in South Korea But if you're wanting to play with some character named Lime here in Brazil, I suggest you start looking among other games of Level Up!. Well, we have no Lime among the members of Grand Chase here ...
Easy! Easy!
Before you start your hair and prepare the torches and pitchforks to come here to protest at the office door, I'll explain: In Brazil, you will not play with any Lime, because here the name of the character will be totally different!
"Phew What a shock ..."
Want to know how will be the name, surname and class of the new character? We already have all this information, but is that our players are curious enough? Who knows if the new image of the character that we publish on our Facebook page to reach 3,000 shares until tomorrow, we will not reveal it all to you here in BLU! G? (No, seriously, if we manage to disclose yes. = P)
In the meantime, why not try to guess what the name of the new character here and to call your class?
To not call me a troll, I'll even give you a hint: the name has the letter .... G !
"What?! It would be totally different? I swear if it is trollando me ..."
But if you prefer, you can tell how you think the name will be the same without this hint. = P
Meet Holy: The Paladin!

Curious about how the new character of Grand Chase will be called in Brazil? Then secure the points where one of these days I tell you! xD
Meanwhile, asked for the Grand Chase team for this adaptation has occurred here:
Stellar: "Once we receive the first image of her, the Vannor looked at her and said:" - L - "and then have thought it would be the perfect name for her!
Vannor: "Also, when I saw the image of lemon used by KOG, I've thought" NO ".
Vannor: "But the main reason was that we found her name very similar to the name of Lire, changing only one letter. In this sense, we prefer to do something different, since the other name I had also thought fit so well with her. "
Well, enough trollar and make you suffer right? It is with great pleasure that we present to Brazil ...
Holy Serenity ... the paladin!
How many came to guess, Holy is a paladin , a holy warrior. Going forward will post more details about the history of the new heroin.
Holy (pronounced Roli), translated into English means "sacred", but is also a fairly common name in English. And as the class of character in Korea is called "Holy Knight" (holy knight), Holy proved to be the most appropriate name for it here!
The name has remained unchanged. Serenity in English means "serenity", a feature that is also often associated with religious and sacred things. Although the Holy does not appear to be as peaceful as well, hehe.
I hope you like her name here. I especially thought that combines more with it than something related to hair color. Because face it, our paladin is a sweet and fluffy has nothing sour!
Even if not the name you expected, what he thought of Holy?
oh so in Brazil her full Name is Holy Serenity
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