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[THGC] New Avatar: Wedding set

Hello again everyone, UnorthodoX is back.
This week updates are Wedding avatar set and some new events.

1. New avatar: Wedding set
Duration: June 7th onwards

No need to explain, right?


Accessories (3 for girls, 2 for boys)

2. Stalwart Hero weapons event
Duration: June 7th - June 14th

First log-in during the event period gives you the Box of Stalwart Hero. Players can choose which weapon they want. It is timed for 7 days.

3. Reinforcement Stone Remove Scroll sales
Duration: June 7th - June 14th

The Reinforcement Stone Remove Scroll is back for one week.

Ongoing event

That's all for this week.

Ps. I might make some banners for each section next time, so the article would look nicer.
(It won't be pretty, since I don't have good picture editing skills like my sister.)

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