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[THGC] Prominence, Maid and Butler set

Hello again, UnorthodoX is here.
This week's updates are Lupus 4th job, Prominence, and new avatar sets, Maid and Butler sets.

1. Lupus 4th job: Prominence

In this class, Lupus gains his new and final sub-weapon: Soul Arbiter 

From May 10th, Prominence missions will be sold in shop. The missions require Lv. 60.

During this week, the following packages will be sold:

Golden Eyetooth Total Package

Golden Eyetooth can be bought only in this package alongside with Prominence mission scroll. It requires Lv.60, Epic Rank.

Lupus All-In-One Package
Another package that contains all Lupus's jobs change cash mission scrolls. 

Lupus Total Package
This package contains Lupus Mission Scroll (Cash) and all his job change cash missions.

When you see Prominence's Emblem in dungeons, you will received a 10% attack buff.

2. New Avatar Set: Maid and Butler Sets

That's all for this week.
Have a nice day~

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