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[GCKR] Kounat Chronicles #1.0

[Long Time ago... where Time has not been even known]
In the beginning the Creator of the universe, The Beginning and the creation of the whole elyos was in destruction and havoc
Because of the Unique personality of Elyos. It was prevented to be surfaced and kept on the Underworld
The Dorr dividing the Surface world and the Underworld Elyos was kept shut.

In the beginning,  in the prevention of making Elyos divided was the result of the Living Creatures there to have different effects and mutations from the surface

[B.K. (Before Kounat ) 0,000 years - 0,000 years]
A native of Archemedia Continent was told to descend on the Underworld Elyos
Ernasis - the Goddess of War and Bravery, Risnar  - The goddess of Mercy and Spirits, and Armenias - the goddess of wisdom and harmony
The three goddesses created a way out from Ernas
(Ernas came from the Name of the Goddess Ernasis)

and Thus Ernas was created, at that time, Natives and races sprouted in the region. Elves, Dwarves, Tribal People.
The three brave goddesses appointed a strong man to protect and maintain peace in the region.

[at the same time. in the Underworld]
An ancient group started a raid in elyos - Ancient War broke out
Ancient heroes of elyos Duel von Zeke Avenger
He wrecked the Underworld creating Genocide in the Underworld, Regardless of Alliance or Enemies

Caught in the great War was the Legendary Reinhard von Oz madosa fighting for his life against the genocide of Duel von Zeke Avenger

[In Ernas]
at that time, Humans worked together to create the place of their Dreams and called it Kounat. and thus started the perfect Civilization for them, in the Meantime Other Humans fell in love with other races and making half breeds.

Unlike the Normal humans, these half breeds have been made stronger that any other. Made use of Restricted magics and made control of Kounat

[At the same time in Elyos]
Reinhard von Oz Fighting for his life against Duel von zeke Avenger. he saw Duel's Eclipse and remembered  The magnum GrandArk.and he Managed to escape

[In Ernas]
Archemedia and kounat united and thus making a more powerful and magical civilization
on the North lived the Dwarves and the Elves Lived inside the Civilization of Kounat.
The Elves had progress in obtaining the Powerful Magic, and Dwarves specialized in Mechanical Engineering and technology was able to evolve.

[In Elyos]
Reinhard von Oz finally completed the Magnum GrandArk's body. He created life to handle the Magnum GrandArk.
and on that time, there was a feud in the Underworld in getting the hands for the Powerful Nucleus of Elyos.

[In Ernas, 1 year ago]
Kounat becoming a stable Civilization and Teritory. Kounat decided to have an Asmodian King to be declared to rule and protect peace in the teritory.
Having the Teritory being stable, they've forgotten of the Three brave goddesses who made Ernas in peace. Armenias, Ernasis, and Risnar.

[at the same time in Elyos]
A miraculous birth of the new family members of two very powerful Families in the Underworld, the Burning Canyon, and the Crimson River.

At that time the First outbreak of the War Between Elyos and Ernas has exploded
[the Prologue of a Programmer named Mari ming Onette]

The explosion of the War Between ernas and Elyos exploded because of a Girl named Mari, and her Soul Stone...

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 - Coming Soon
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