[GCKR] Candy Accessory Revamp
My God Please also bite the Lollipop not inhale it. Im not Drug Addict! T_T
My God Please also bite the Lollipop not inhale it. Im not Drug Addict! T_T
The first problem is the graphics card, graphics card, Wanted to make it more visible even with low connection adjustements. another is that i want the candy lollipop to be mounted straight and relocate the candy lollipop to make the characters as if like shes biting it delicately not inhaling it through her mouth
Well it would be blast if you can reorganize this glitch so that the characters will not inhale the candy through her mouth instead of biting it, im not a drug addict Inhaling something inappropriate is bad for your health. Cant sleep so I want to go in the draw TT's on a business trip.
ã…œ ã…
Because of a User who cries because of the candy accessory issues, Cool Man Mr. Purple have a heart and let the Suggestion go to KoG
Oh No! dont Bite the candy too hard! T.T!
What is that have made the Grand Chase Characters to inhale the candy in their noses instead of biting it with their mouths? T_T
Hahahahaha hahaha ~!
Don't worry about it my dear user your problems will soon be over ~! I think ill consider~!
After the sales service our KoG Plastic surgeons will be happy to help, our dear customers dont let anything happen to your characters. as inhaling a lollipop is bad for your health, until we make sure users are happy with the AS, well never stop.

In 2012. 05. 31
Lollipop Accessory Location Revamp has been reorganize for the characters to Bite the lollipop not inhale it. My GOD
[My brethren ... What are you talking about ... Developer guy. Now in charge of modifying ... The concept!? ]
The saga continues
Grand Chase SAGA is Continued
Grand Chase, Have a fun day ~ :)
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