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[THGC] Searchers

Hi everyone, UnorthodoX is back.
Seriously, I'm sick, right before Songkran...

On April 12th, Lupus's 2nd job will be released.
Here are pictures of his skill image and his sub-weapon: Nether Blade

His job change mission scrolls will be sold in shop, both GP and Cash

And from April 12th until April 19th, Lupus limited package will also be sold.

During this week, when players run the dungeon, they will be granted 10% exp bonus by Searchers's Emblem.

That's all for this week.
There is also fan art event, but I will post the result only. You can see those pictures on Grand Chase Thai Facebook Page.

Thank you for reading.
And wish me a quick recovery from this damn sickness.

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