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[GCKR] Expression System and Models

Hello So Grand Chase Will release the expression System on the Characters meaning they will now have moods visualy seen on the models... in this Video Model of Azin He is now on his Normal Expression lets wait when goes Psycho on his expression

The Expression System:

The Expression system is about how the Appearance of the Character model changes from one to another regarding on what are their moods angry, Happy, sad or whatever... it will be visually seen on their faces

The project for Expression System was started already with Elesis, Lire, and Arme and will be hoping to finish all character's expression soon.

Dungeon Reorganization

The Project Resurrection is mainly about the Dungeon Reogranization of everything....
on the top... it is a new model of Periett... 

on the New Dungeon Reogranization bosses that have Super Armor will be replaces with ones who are not... thus... adding more difficulty to the game... (wondering how?... Think about fighting lass in the form of every boss... the Lass in KazeAaze's Castle)

and also an Update reogranization will also be implemented the same time as this... with reogranization of their attack patterns... thus again more difficulty added to the dungeons... and more Fun

Grand Chase SAGA continued

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