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[GCKR] Boss Pets Attack GCExtraz!

Here is a little preview on the attacks of the Boss pets... I think I know what GCTW did to get these. ahahha.. Clever clever GCTW.

Take some time to load it all... its worth the wait 

Looks like Our guesses are Perfectly Precise on Guessing what Attacks will they get huh??.. ahha

Aron Jr. Pet Attack

Kungji Leader Pet Attack

Victor Jr. Pet Attack

Astaroth Pet attack

Dark Anmon Pet Attack

Since Periett Jr. is a Top Secret Pet.. I dont think he would be released after some Major update will be implemented on KR

If you know what i mean.. ahaha Take a look at it again and tell me what is suspicious...

Seems like most of Our guesses in the Previous Post is almost Precise Right?.. ahha Here :

See more of the Information about the Patch here:

Related Post:

Thanks to GCTW!.. 

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