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AdventZ AuthorZ Introduction and RuleZ

To all AdventZ AuthorZ out there. Please read the following because it will be our Rules for posting to AdventZ...

Guides on being an AdventZ Author

1. It is recommended for Every post to have its introduction. this will ensure the full feature of the Page Break Feature and adds a "at home" feeling for viewers

2 It is always required for every post to have a thumbnail. the first picture in the post will be its thumbnail in the Home Page. so its best to put the best pictures first. or simply you can just make a banner like i do.

When Posting, every post is required to have its Page Break so that the post will be cut by the"Read More" Feature. In the Post Editor it is also called the "Insert Jump Break" You just have to click it right after every introduction of the post.

Every post must have Labels or so called as "Tags" You are recommended to insert a Label for the viewers to easily sort out posts by categories and labels. just label them with not too specific tags. and also to enable the "Related posts" feature


Title: New Gacha and Pet: Selion Gacha
your labels should be:
-(who is the Author of the post?) CharmSprite
-and Server

The Labels is located on the post editor's sidebar

Also if you are about to "Reblog" other contents just make sure the owner wants his content to be copied. and always give credits to the owners

RuleZ and RegulationZ

  1. Posting Pornographic stuff is STRICTLY PROHIBITED (of Course)

You can always Check this page for any Changes in the Navigation. Dropdown from AdventZ

Other rules will be updated from time to time... please feel free to suggest more rules and guides.

-AdventZ Mgt.
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